Probably our most popular equestrian service...
We take old tired arena making new surfaces for the perfect balance for performance and the well being of the animals themselves.
We work closely with several fiber suppliers allowing us to resurface your arena to your exact specification. The correct surface protects your beloved horses creating less joint stress and less fatigue during schooling.
Drainage is an essential part of any arena, new or old. Drainage is a core part of our stock designed arenas but we can easily retro drain any surface to ensure our weather doesn't stop you schooling.
New build arenas are a great opportunity for you to get the exact arena you have been looking for. New builds allow us to specify all factors from the drainage to the surface performance with sand and fiber blends. Giving you the perfect conditions for you to practice your chosen discipline.
Get involved in the process from the start making this your ideal Paddock. We can incorporate walkways, Gallops, fences, curbing and any other ingredient you may need all in house without third party involvement leaving you a single point of contact to answer all enquiries.
Over the years we have forged relationships with all the best aggregate suppliers and fiber manufacturers, allowing us to bespoke design for both quality and firmness creating correct resistance for the equine hoof and joints.